You can get a job as a Social Media Marketer and earn up to $100 per hour. A Social Media Marketer is someone that uses Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and more, on behalf of a company. Yes, you can get paid to Tweet! SWC offers CIS257 our class to learn how to become a Social Media Marketer.
Meets online and/or Monday and Wednesday from 5:10pm to 7:15pm in room 223 of the Main Campus (900 Otay Lakes Rd, Chula CA 91910)
We’ll be covering
Snapchat | ||||
YouTube | Periscope | Google+ | and more! |
CIS-257-60 (Reg Code: 04104)
Web 2.0 Social Media Strategies Units: 3.0
Course Description:
[Recommended Preparation: CL 120 or equivalent CIS 101 or equivalent.] Covers hands-on use of state-of-the-art Web 2.0 interactivity for commercial and personal use. Creates and optimizes social networks. Designs and implements social media strategies with multiple platforms. Integrates use of 2.0 tools into marketing and branding and measures results. Includes RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, casts, interactive video and photo sites, and cloud computing. [D; CSU]

Class meets from 08/22/16 to 12/09/16 Location: Chula Vista Campus M 05:10PM to 06:15PM Room: 223 LEC M 06:25PM to 07:15PM Room: 223 LAB W 05:10PM to 07:15PM Room: 223 LEC ONLINE on BlackBoard
This is part of ourĀ Social Media Marketer major.
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